Jose Canseco

On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 1:10 PM, Max Steingrout wrote:
Hi Jose,
My name is Max Steingrout, proprietor of the investigative web log, The We have e-mailed you in the past about our series of essays entitled “Chasing Nolan Ryan.
MLB has criticized, cursed, scorned & threatened & we ask you again, either “off” or “on” the record: Are we headed in the right direction? Can you give us any clues or ideas as to where to look or who to ask about what?
Our hope has never been to “out” Nolan Ryan, more so to shed light on an era and conclude the heinous, self-righteousness of this ridiculous, modern day witch hunt. Thank you.
Max Steingrout
—– Original Message —–

From: Jose Canseco


Sent: Saturday, August 01, 2009 1:48 AM

Subject: Re: Hi Jose,

Dear Max,

Thanks for your emails but I cannot get involved in anything of this sort for several reasons. I wish you the very best and admire your passion.


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