Posts Tagged ‘The Chickenhawk’


Friday, September 6th, 2019

In 1976 Las Vegas was a mob town.

Everything was clean.

Everything was tidy.

Everyone knew their place.

No one wore flip-flops or tank tops in the casinos.

Young, junkie bottom feeders were allowed to exist. They served a purpose. They were consumers.

They also took care of one another, sort of like a black market Department of Social Services.

“Welcome to Las Vegas, Pilgrim!”


Wednesday, September 4th, 2019

Local, Upstate New York bookies and cops persuaded him to take his talents away from Chemung County.

Late bloomer, 19 year old Max Steingrout exalted in the exhaust fumes of the Las Vegas Trailways bus station.

Birdie Wallace noticed him immediately. He had seen a hundred, a thousand of kids like him. He was just what he was looking for.

Max hid his money in his shoes and his socks in his pants.

Year in Review: Happy New Year!

Monday, December 31st, 2018

Happy New Year from your friends at The Chickenhawk!

2019. Unfathomable.

We made it.

We’ve been asked: Are you Trumpy?

We’ve been castigated: You’re anti-Trump!

Either way, we made it.

Or, least some of us made it.

2018’s year in review reveals more mass shootings, rioting, war, genocide, and refugee crisis’.

Mostly, tries to entertain while devolving into drivel however, unlike David’s Bridal, Sears, or Mattress Firm we remain in business.

For that, we are thankful.

Here’s wishing you, our faithful reader(s), a Happy New Year!


Wednesday, December 5th, 2018

Floating cork

Not unlike a cork bobbing up & down in the ocean, our humble little website bobs up & down in the sea that is the internet. Images gone, we feel like we’ve walked into our final exam without any clothes on. But it’s not a nightmare. It’s reality. Our developer tells us: “Nothing can be done,” but we wonder. On August 8, 2018, The Atlantic published “Donald Trump: Chickenhawk in Chief,” our humble site statistics went through the roof.

Then, over the next couple months things started happening. We were hacked. Articles disappeared and reappeared reconfigured. Some disappeared forever.

Over the years we have not been completely politically correct, questioning the likes of Nolan Ryan, Wade Boggs, Roger Clemens, William Delahunt, OJ, The JFK assassins & more. We’ve made our fair share of enemies.

Conspiracy? The probability gets higher by the second.

Paranoia? You guessed it.

They say it’s lonely at the top. we can assure you, it’s lonelier at the bottom.

Meanwhile, #41 has died and, it seems, everyone loved the man.

Back In The Day …

Friday, June 1st, 2018

We had Bogie and Becall, Tracy and Hepburn, The Duke, Everly Brothers, Andrews Sisters, Marilyn and The Mick.

Olives swam in our martinis.

Ol’ Blue Eyes sang big band accompanied swing songs.

Communists hid in Hollywood and in our Brylcreem jars.

Then Elvis shook his hips.

Protestants disapproved and cried “Hide the children’s eyes!”

Baptist ministers tried not to look in fear of God’s reprisal.

Girls in tight sweaters endeared themselves to boys in tightening slacks.

The British invaded.

Eddie Albert sang: “Keep Manhattan, just give me that countryside.”

Eva Gabor implored: “Dah-ling I love you but give me Park Avenue.”

We dropped acid at Woodstock.

Hippies with long hair.

Vietnam snowballed.

Nothing was the same.

The Domino Theory was in play.

Jimmie Walker Wins PGA Championship!

Monday, August 1st, 2016

Jimmy Walker

SPRINGFIELD, N.J. —  Sitcom legend, Jimmie “JJ” Walker, shocked the golfing world, to win his first major championship and, maybe his first golf tournament.

Unbeknownst to many, including this roving reporter, that Walker even plays golf, Jimmie is the first wire-to-wire winner of the PGA since Phil Mickelson in 2005.

Although not at Baltusrol, and unable to watch the television broadcast, the chaotic week full of storms, delays, and binge drinking, we have confirmed Walker shot 65-66-68-67 and is the fifth consecutive first-time winner in a major.

Walker,  who like many of us, has battled personal demons, said: “Sometimes things just don’t come easy …  There’s a lot of emotion going on out there, I’m not going to lie to you.”

A while ago, regarding Bill Cosby, TMZ reported Walker claims he witnessed Cosby hooking up all the time.

Walker, who worked with Cosby on a movie and on the comedy circuit said: “I actually thought everybody KNEW about all these women.”

Factoid Dept: Good Times was a spin-off of Maude which was itself a spin-off of All in the Family!

The Wink

Friday, February 5th, 2016

The Wink

Cecil Stoughton liked President Kennedy, although they were not “friends.” As the first official White House photographer, there was no question who the boss was.

On November 22, 1963, Stoughton was in Dallas and took many famed images, the most popular among conspiracy believers is known as ”The Wink.”

Stoughton privately felt there was something wrong with Congressman Albert Thomas’ facial gesture and interaction with the newly sworn-in President.

Eighteen months after the assassination, The Kennedy Family requested Stoughton’s presence in England for the dedication of JFK’s Runnymede monument.

Lyndon Johnson, did not think highly of Stoughton’s absence from the White House. A week after he returned, Stoughton was released from White House duties. LBJ would not tolerate dissenting loyalties in the ranks.

Who Killed Natalie Wood?

Friday, January 8th, 2016

Who Killed Natalie Wood

By 1981 Robert Wagner’s movie star was on the wane.

Contemporaries such as Brando, Newman, Nicholson and McQueen had passed him by, cementing their screen legends.

Young, method actors like De Niro, Pacino, Hoffman & Walken stole the accolades, Academy Awards, and leading man roles.

Wagner was relegated to profitable television shows like Hart to Hart:

( IMDp–) “Jonathan Hart was a self-made millionaire–the CEO of Hart Industries, a global conglomerate. His gorgeous wife Jennifer was a freelance journalist. They were both amateur sleuths, and in every episode found themselves up to their eyeballs in murder, smuggling, theft and international espionage. Max was their loyal, gravelly-voiced butler, cook & chauffeur, and Freeway their pet canine.”

In real life, Robert Wagner was a self-made millionaire–the CEO of Wagner Inc., a global star. His gorgeous wife Natalie Wood was a silver screen siren. On November 29, 1981 they found themselves up to their eyeballs in quaaludes, weed, wine, champagne, scotch, and murder. Substitute captain Dennis Davern for Max and Christopher Walken for Freeway and you have as unbelievable a plot as ever seen on Hart to Hart.

Wagner & Wood married in ’57 divorced in ’62 & remarried in ’72.

In his 2009 memoir, Pieces of My Heart, Wagner writes about being jealous and possessive of Wood, considering murdering Warren Beatty because of his relationship with Wood, he waited outside Beatty’s home with a gun. “I was pretty young, and I don’t think I could have gone through with it, but I was pretty frustrated and upset. Beatty was the man.”

Starring opposite Christopher Walken, Wagner visited Wood on the set of Brainstorm in 1981 and felt he didn’t have her full attention. In his book he describes her as being “emotionally unfaithful.”

Wagner and Wood invited Walken aboard their boat, the Splendour, for a Thanksgiving weekend trip to California’s Catalina Island.

The trio, along with ship captain Dennis Davern, had dinner and drank heavily at Doug’s Harbor Reef before returning to the boat around 10:30 PM.

According to Wagner’s memoir, “Chris began talking about his ‘total pursuit of a career,’ which he admitted was more important to him than his personal life. He clearly thought Natalie should live like that, too. I got angry. ‘Why don’t you stay out of her career?’ I said. ‘She’s got enough people telling her what to do without you. — The last time I saw my wife, she was fixing her hair in the bathroom while I was arguing with Chris.”

According to captain Dennis Davern’s statement to LACSD:

“Robert Wagner grabbed the open wine bottle and with rage crashed it upon the coffee table and screamed out to Christopher Walken, ‘Do you want to fuck my wife, is that what you want?’ –Walken retreated to his cabin forward and closed the cabin door. He remained there until morning. Natalie Wood was mortified and went immediately to the rear deck. Robert Wagner followed her within minutes and then a terrible argument proceeded. –I turned on the radio and played music loudly to muffle the arguing. –The only full sentence I could completely decipher during the entire argument was ‘Get off my fucking boat,’ said by Robert Wagner. –When I arrived on the rear open deck, only Robert Wagner was present, and he stood near the far rear wall of the yacht. –Wagner appeared sweaty, flushed, anxious, nervous, and disheveled. He told me ‘Natalie is missing’ and asked me to search the yacht. –I immediately wanted to radio for help and to turn on the searchlight, but Wagner told me, sternly, ‘We are not going to do that. We will wait and see if she returns.’ –While we waited, Robert Wagner opened scotch and poured alcohol for me. He encouraged me to drink. He discussed with me the repercussions of bringing any immediate attention to the situation and he claimed he did not want to tarnish his image. After an hour passed, Robert Wagner began crying and repeated, ‘She’s gone, she’s gone, she’s gone’ which I believed a strange thing to say.”

Natalie Wood was found dead floating face down at 7:45 AM.

Ear witness, retired stockbroker, Marilyn Wayne reported, “My cabin window was open. A woman’s voice, crying for help, awakened John and awakened me, ‘Help me, someone please help me, I’m drowning,’ we heard repeatedly.” She said John turned on their yacht’s beam light but could not see anything. She also claims to have heard a man’s slurred voice from the direction of Wagner’s boat saying: “Oh, hold on, we’re coming to get you.” Later, in a sworn statement to the LA Sheriff’s department, she received a scribbled note warning her: “If you value your life, keep quiet about what you know.”

Lana Wood, Natalie’s sister, estranged from Wagner, wrote Natalie: A Memoir by Her Sister which questions the night’s events.

In 2000 an investigation by Vanity Fair magazine, based largely on interviews with Davern, concluded: “Wood’s death was the final act in a two-day drama of jealousy and rage, fuelled by round-the-clock drinking.”

In January of 2013 the LA County coroner’s office made public the fact they changed the official cause of death for actress Natalie Wood from “accidental drowning” to “drowning and other undetermined factors.”

The LA County Sheriff’s Department says the case is open and ongoing.

82 year old Robert Wagner is refusing to answer any more questions now that the case has been reopened.

In 2011, when asked how he felt about the 30-year-old investigation being revived, Christopher Walken said, “I don’t know.”

Walken is not publicly talking but is willing to talk to investigators. When asked about Wood’s death during a promotional appearance on CBS This Morning, he stated: “I stopped talking about that 30 years ago, and there’s so much information, books and Internet and, you know, everything. Anything you want to know, go look.”
