
September 22nd, 2022

I have a recurring dream: I’m at Caesars Palace at a crowded craps table and I’m betting the field. The dice keep landing on 2 & 12 and I keep doubling my money. The shooters shoot me dirty looks and soon I have a mountain of chips. The dealer asks me to leave. I refuse. The stickman starts wacking me with his stick and I, battered and bruised, wheel barrow my chips to the cashier. There I realize I have enough money to buy the casino which I immediately do. I go back to the craps table, fire everyone and thrash the stickman with the stick he beat me with.

It’s with strange sadness and some regret we announce the closing of our humble, online destination resort.

So there’s that.

NBA Lock of the Day

May 23rd, 2022

El Dorado

LAS VEGAS — Monday, Oct. 4, 1982 |

After dining with associates, Marty Kane, Ruby Goldstein, and Stanley Green at Tony Roma’s, Frank “Lefty” Rosenthal left the restaurant and got into his 1981 Cadillac Eldorado.

He turned the ignition and both were blown to shreds.

Lefty survived. The Eldorado did not.

Special agent in charge of the Las Vegas office of the Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms agency said, “If I had seen the car and not known what had happened I would figure for sure anyone in the car would not have made it.”

At the scene, Rosenthal refused to sign a crime report or discuss the matter with investigators.

Two nights after the assassination attempt, a bruised, burned, and bandaged Rosenthal invited three reporters, including George Knapp, to his home for an orchestrated press-conference.

Knapp asked Rosenthal who was behind the bombing and Lefty replied, “Well it certainly wasn’t the Boy Scouts of America.”

Asked if he thought his lifelong friend, Tony “The Ant” Spilotro, might be behind it, Rosenthal’s response, according to Knapp, was something like “I hope not.”

Lefty was asked if the FBI had contacted him, he said yes but emphasized he had no intention of cooperating with the government.

The reporters believe they were invited to Lefty’s home because he wanted to use the media “to assure his associates that he wasn’t going to rat them out.”

The sports betting life isn’t for everyone. Neither is Las Vegas.

The Boston Celtics were -6.5 point favorites vs. Miami Heat on Saturday night.

They were trounced by 8 points.

Tonight, once again, the wise guys have made The Celtics favorites by -6.5 points. They might be right but Marcus Smart and Robert Williams are questionable. Jason Tatum hurt his should/neck but will play.

Jimmy Butler is questionable.

Over the years we’ve made a very poor living betting against the trends.

Tonight? We see value in the 6.5 points and are picking …

The Heat +6.5 @ Celtics.

This is our NBA Lock of the Day.

Disclaimer: The Chickenhawk’s NBA Locks™ are not for entertainment purposes. They are for making you serious amounts of ca$h. Remember: the more you bet, the more you win.

NBA Lock of the Day

May 19th, 2022

“Do you believe in God,” she seductively whispered in my ear.

“Yes,” I heard myself moan.

The Boston Celtics are +3.5 point underdogs at FTX Arena in Miami, Florida.

Game 1 saw the Heat, -5 favorites, bedazzle the weary, undermanned Celtics by 11 points.

Although not quite “do or die,” it’s close.

Do you believe the Celtics are going to win the series?

If the answer is “yes,” then they’re going to need to steal one in Miami.

To be clear: we don’t care who wins or loses the game. We care about picking the point spread.

For a number of reasons, it’s been a long time since we shared our NBA picks.

Our NBA Lock of the Day?

Boston +3.5 @ Miami

Since it cost a lot to win
And even more to lose
You and me bound to spend some time
Wondering what to choose

Goes to show, you don’t ever know
Watch each card you play and play it slow
Wait until that deal come round
Don’t you let that deal go down, no, no

I’ve been gambling here abouts
For ten good solid years
If I told you all that went down
It would burn off both your ears

Since you poured the wine for me
And tightened up my shoes
I hate to leave you sitting there
Composing lonesome blues

Wait until that deal come round
Don’t you let that deal go down

Mort Sahl’s Warning to America

February 15th, 2021

Mort Sahl: This is 20 years too late, man. They’ve been drafting people like you for 20 years. So that eventually 435 honorable men in the Congress don’t even object, and nobody votes against the Un-American Activities Committee, and nobody says anything about the war, and nobody says anything about anything, and nobody says anything about murder in the streets. I’ve been crying fascism, fascism. How much success, how heady was the sensation, and how intoxicated with the fascists in this country to get to a point where they thought they could go ahead with this boldest stroke as killing him in the street? Well, obviously what makes them think they can get away with it? The experience of getting away with it over the years! They tend to get power drunk because they’ve been successful. It gets crazier and crazier. They’ve extended fascism without challenge for so long in this country, a generation since 1945, the dark days, this long night started with Roosevelt’s death. You can chart the whole thing and it gets to a point where a whole generation doesn’t know any better.

Robert Kennedy talks about a massive retaliation and communism and capitalism and vehicular capability. You’re brought up on those terms, man. You can’t even tell when somebody is jiving you anymore because it’s 20 years of madness.

As much as my Jewish friends aren’t going to like it, the German people weren’t born crazy. They were made so by their government. They were made in the form which is most convenient to that government, which is fascistic, which broke the backs of the unions and used the anti-Semitism as a dodge. Same thing is happening here. They’re trying to drive the American people crazy. I’ll tell you something: I think they’re succeeding. There’s great evidence in the barbarism of day-to-day life and in the lack of direction and the degree of a lack of mental health in this country.

I’m not suggesting going to a psychiatrist because most of them are sellouts too. Sad to say because they know better, but all they want to do is to repair you and get you back on the line to keep punching out Mustang frames. That’s the trouble.

Buffet’s Million$$

December 31st, 2020
We received this e-mail today. Happy New Year!

My name is Warren E. Buffett, an American business magnate investor and philanthropist. I believe strongly in giving and while am still living, I had one idea that has never changed in my mind  and that is that you should use your wealth to help people and I have decided to give {$2,500,000.00} Two Million Five Hundred Thousand United Dollars, to randomly selected individuals worldwide. On receipt of this email, you should count yourself as the lucky individual.

Your email address was chosen online while searching at random. Kindly get back to me at your earliest convenience before i travel to japan for my treatment so I know your email address is valid. Here is my email address(

Thank you for accepting our offer. We are indeed grateful. You can Google my name for more information: Warren Buffet or visit my website

God bless you.
Best Regard
Mr.Warren E. Buffett Billionaire investor
Untitled form


December 16th, 2020

June 5, 1968-

New Orleans District Attorney, Jim Garrison worried for Bobby’s life.

He received word the Senator believed his conclusions regarding the assassination of his brother. Garrison understood if he knew what Kennedy thought, so did his enemies.

Garrison warned him and, as the only way to protect himself, pleaded for him to go public.

Through an intermediary, Kennedy let Garrison know he was going to do just that … after he won the California primary.

The CIA was desperate. Time was running out.

45 years ago, RFK was assassinated at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles after delivering his California primary victory speech.

 “Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.”

– RFK  (University of Cape Town, South Africa, June 6, 1966)

Letter to Castro

June 15th, 2020

Rummaging through RFK’s Attorney General files at the JFK Library in Boston, we found an article a proud father stashed away back in 1963.


Dear Castro)

Cuba is good but you are bad. You have ruined all Cuba,s hopes for independence since you became a comunist. For your sake and Cubas sake we all hope you return to your Catholic faith. You had a better faith than you have now. The better you make it for your country the better you make it for yourself. Your country will be proud if you help them. I hope after this letter you will see things clearer.

Bobby Kennedy and Kevin O’Donnell

Bobby, son of the Attorney General is 8; Kevin son of Ken O’Donnell, Special Assistant to the President, is 7.

Jackie Mason

May 1st, 2020

In 1967 funnyman Jackie Mason ignored multiple warnings, death threats and bullets, and continued to tell Frank Sinatra – Mia Farrow jokes.

He didn’t think it was so funny when, sitting in a car outside a Florida apartment complex, Mason had his nose & cheekbone shattered by a goon wearing brass knuckles.

”We warned you to stop using the Sinatra material in your act,” the goon told him.

Mason stopped using the Sinatra material.


March 26th, 2020
Max Steingrout

Man out of Time, Max Steingrout, like Icarus, flew too close to the sun.

The Nevada Gaming Commission believed him to be the mob-connected lynchpin responsible for manipulating the outcome of hundreds, if not thousands, of college and professional basketball games.

In reality, the mob rode Steingrout like a painted show pony.

Although too much drinking, smoking, drugging, and whoring had taken their toll, he could still read the writing on the wall.

He fled south of the border.

Upon his return to Las Vegas, Max the Junkie had lost his nerve, his mind, and his soul.

He became the mark for the tourists, junkies, pimps and prostitutes he once so proudly preyed upon.

Faces were the same but the names had changed, perhaps to protect the innocent.

Max knew there were no innocents.

For money, he wandered The Strip in a methadone fog forcing escort brochures into the hands of unsuspecting old ladies and wide-eyed children.


February 18th, 2020

Cronkite cried the day he told us Kennedy died.

For the next quarter of a century, “the most trusted man in America” became the media flag bearer for Warren Commission apologists.

In a 1987 interview with Rolling Stone, the retired Cronkite hedged his bet.

Rolling Stone –  Twenty years ago you did a documentary on the Warren Commission report on the assassination of President Kennedy. You said that the report was flawed, but the most plausible that could be expected, and that CBS News concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald was the sole assassin. In the years since, have you had any reason to doubt that?

Cronkite –  Yes. We did not know, at that time, a rather important, salient matter: the CIA plot to assassinate Castro. An additional little fact was that Lyndon Johnson thought there was a conspiracy. I’m assuming that what he knew probably was just what we learned later about the CIA’s involvement in Cuba.

Rolling Stone –  As you look back on the late Sixties, do you think there’s a connection between the trauma of the assassination of President Kennedy, and the doubts about the circumstances of it, and so much of the trauma and disenchantment that took place in this country after that? Did it manifest itself in the streets?

Cronkite –  I wouldn’t say that the Kennedy assassination alone could have triggered that, but I think the series of assassinations – Martin Luther King, then Robert Kennedy – has a cumulative effect, which, I think, broke down our natural resistance to violence and kind of set loose hysteria. It manifested itself in the streets.